The Learning Renaissance

The Importance of Breathing

Thank you to Charlotte Davies, a long-time friend of this blog, for sharing this video from BBC Maestro on the importance of breathing effectively to living effectively.

It features breathing guru James Nestor explaining the how and why of effective breathing: The Power of Your Breath

You might be surprised at the immediate impact breathwork can have – James certainly was when his breathing problems seemed to disappear a few weeks after starting. In this course, he guides you through practical breathing techniques that may help with your sleep, energy and productivity. His revolutionary approach melds ancient wisdom and modern science to promote overall physical and mental wellness.

James Nestor

Find the full course here (fee payable): James Nestor | The Power of Your Breath | BBC Maestro

About educationalist04

I'm convinced we can, as a species, do much better than this if we set our minds to being much more positive and productive towards our fellow humans. The solution is learning - creating independent and autonomous learners who can problem solve, innovate and create a better more equitable and sustainable world. My books, Future Proof Your School and Re-Examining Success together with this blog, explore how better learning outcomes for all can be achieved.

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