The Learning Renaissance

Lean Processes in Learning

Lean processes, meaning achieving your desired outcome with minimal or no wastage, have been applied in manufacturing processes for some time. You can see it in automotive and aeronautical engineering processes, where lean processes are associated with “just in time” assembly processes. This means that you don’t carry expensive stocks, but your design processes specify exactly when in the process an individual component is required and ordering to ensure its optimum arrival.

The issue for me is whether lean processes can enrich the focus on learning or whether it represents a managerial approach which simply sees learning as an assembly process.

Can this process of lean management have any applications in learning and development? Saffron Interactive argues that it can: Lean process – How lean learning benefits L&D | Saffron Interactive

About educationalist04

I'm convinced we can, as a species, do much better than this if we set our minds to being much more positive and productive towards our fellow humans. The solution is learning - creating independent and autonomous learners who can problem solve, innovate and create a better more equitable and sustainable world. My books, Future Proof Your School and Re-Examining Success together with this blog, explore how better learning outcomes for all can be achieved.

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