The Learning Renaissance

Guiding Students to Develop Multimodal Literacy | Edutopia

Teachers can offer a variety of literacy-focused projects that allow students to display their critical thinking skills in creative ways.


Anyone who has worked with striving readers or has spent time working through the reading process knows that literacy is a complex network of skills. At one time, being a literate person was a mark of power and status, and access to reading, writing, and creating was exclusive.

With links to a wealth of stories and ways of communicating through digital technology, what does reading mean now? In today’s world, being a literate person encompasses traditional texts (e.g., novels, short stories), as well as digital and app-based navigation. Traditional texts and digital/app-based navigation require many of the same skills.

Reading across multiple spaces is important for literacy. The multiple ways in which people communicate (modes) open up engagement opportunities for students—who might be ready for a new way to share or might benefit from having a new mode for presenting their work.

Read the article by Jason DeHart here: Guiding Students to Develop Multimodal Literacy | Edutopia

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