The Learning Renaissance

Leadership Styles: Six Perspectives

Thanks to Stuart Andrews for sharing this simple talking point about styles of leadership.

6 leadership styles stuart andrews

In many respects, leadership is conditional on circumstances. We may have a preferred style in our more lucid moments but when we are overtaken by circumstances we tend to revert to a more command and less consultative style. This is one reason why the quality control OFSTED inspection framework is so corrosive of the talents within schools as it, at its worst, embodies a fear element as we saw with the demise of one of our colleagues recently who committed suicide as the result of an adverse inspection.

We are all leaders in schools, even if we are only responsible for our own presentation and performance, so we should all be familiar with styles, approaches and the resultant outcomes we can expect appropriate to each style.

Source post: Stuart Andrews on Twitter

About educationalist04

I'm convinced we can, as a species, do much better than this if we set our minds to being much more positive and productive towards our fellow humans. The solution is learning - creating independent and autonomous learners who can problem solve, innovate and create a better more equitable and sustainable world. My books, Future Proof Your School and Re-Examining Success together with this blog, explore how better learning outcomes for all can be achieved.

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